Welcome to my Web and Mobile Developer Blog. Here you will find the latest News and Rants about mobile apps, websites and the internet.

I also, occasionally, write blog posts on non-techie stuff too!

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Last week I was lucky enough to be in Fleetwood, Lancashire, for a special 'once in a lifetime' tour of the Fisherman's Friend lozenge factory, as guest of Lofthouse of Fleetwood Ltd. I came to be ...
Last month, as expected, the new iOS software version was released. However, all was not well on iOS 9 with my Xamarin built apps. Indeed, many apps it would seem, are not compatible. Perhaps even ...
Since New Year, I have been using a Fitbit Charge Activity Tracker, after receiving it as a Christmas Gift. Following the seasonal break, and the usual indulgences that followed, I began to take my...
Yesterday I was amongst 400 Software Developers gathered in London at quite possibly most interesting, inspiring and genuinely useful Developer Event I have been to! We were gathered as invitees of...
I was an early iPhone adopter, buying an iPhone 3GS back in 2009. Within a year, I turned my attention to App Development on iPhone, and shortly afterwards the newly launched iPad. My Apps continue...
Yesterday I was at MadLab in Manchester to attend the Northwest England leg of Microsoft's //publish/ Windows event. Across 48 hours, 60 //publish/ events have taken place worldwide, to encourage p...
Last week I was in attendance as the Google Cloud Platform Roadshow visited the newly relocated Manchester TechHub. I learnt a lot about the Cloud Platform offerings from Google, got some answers t...
On Friday I was lucky enough to be one of a select bunch of European Developers to join the Nokia X - Go! Port Bus Tour, at the final stop in London! The Bus, a converted, green painted, London Rou...
I recently had reason to use Apache Cordova / PhoneGap to build a Native-Wrapped HTML5 App for use on iPad. Whilst I have worked on PhoneGap / Cordova projects in the past, I found the setup proces...
Yesterday I attended the first Samsung European Developer Day at London Film Museum, Covent Garden. The schedule was comprised of several Technical Sessions, and Commercial Sessions. Amongst the...

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