Mike Irving's Blog
A Blog from Mike Irving, Software Developer
Welcome to my Web and Mobile Developer Blog. Here you will find the latest News and Rants about mobile apps, websites and the internet.
I also, occasionally, write blog posts on non-techie stuff too!
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25/4/2007 -
A Live Band Directory website has been born out of the old Bandhosts website.
The original BH site was in many ways a preliminary version of this site, showcasing website portfolio that I had worke...
5/3/2007 -
As part of my ongoing partnership with GMS Software Ltd, the makers of some excellent small business software, I have this week been asked to make some changes to a client site, Top Speed Couriers.
19/2/2007 -
Ever since Google acquired YouTube late last year, video content has been a buzz word for many webmasters.
One of my clients, the world renowned performing flatulist Mr Methane, has several domains...
31/1/2007 -
Hello there and welcome to my website.
The primary aim of this website is simply to document my ongoing career as a Microsoft web developer.
The Mike Irving Web Developer home pa...
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