Events, Talks and Technical Demos
Developer Events, and Public Speaking from Mike Irving

Throughout my professional career as a computer programmer, I have often presented demos, findings and data analytics to a variety of audiences. Both internally to other staff, and to customers in meetings and special events.
Recently, I have begun public speaking, delivering technical talks and insights to interested parties.
I am co-organiser of both Dot Net North in Manchester and Macc Tech in Macclesfield.
I have personally spoken at both of these meetups / user groups, and at other events too, such as Xamarin Dev Days.
Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more, have an interest in one of my past talks, or would like to ask me to speak at your event.
If you prefer, please engage with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.
My experience is vast, covering C#, web development, mobile apps, and cloud.
I also attend a lot of events.. find out where below.
Forthcoming talks / demos / presentations:
20th February 2025, bet365 Stadium, Stoke-on-Trent
Stoke on Tech: AI with .NET, OpenAI, Semantic Kernel - further information
Past events I have personally presented talks and demos, or appeared at:
14th January 2025, Manchester Technology Centre, Manchester
.NET Conf Local: .NET 9 Breaking Changes - further information
12th November 2024, Eagle Labs, Liverpool
Dot NET Liverpool: Xamarin - Moving On - further information
11th September 2024, BJSS, Birmingham
Birmingham .Net & MAUI User Group: Xamarin - Moving On - further information
29th August 2024, Online
.NET South West: Xamarin - Moving On - further information
5th August 2024, JLR, Manchester
NSManchester: Xamarin - Moving On - further information
16th July 2024, BrightHR, Manchester
Microsoft Season of AI: AI with .NET, OpenAI, Semantic Kernel - further information
3rd July 2024, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Talking Pride with AI - further information
23rd January 2024, Auto Trader, Manchester
.NET Conf Local: Uno Platform 5.0 - further information
31st October 2023, The People's History Museum, Manchester
Manchester Tech Festival: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! - further information
15th August 2023, St. Bartholomews House, Bristol
.NET South West: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! - further information
1st August 2023, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield
dotnetsheff: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! - further information
11th July 2023, Manchester Technology Centre, Manchester
MS Build After Party: Windows Dev Home + Subsystem for Android - further information
29th June 2023, Platform, Leeds
Leeds Sharp: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! - further information
28th February 2023, Eagle Labs, Liverpool
Dot NET Liverpool: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! - further information
2nd February 2023, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! - further information
31st January 2023, Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! - further information
22nd November 2022, On The Beach, Manchester
Dot Net Conf Recap: Windows + Cross Platform Apps - further information
8th November 2022, Online
MiniHack 23: Guest Judge - further information
1st December 2020, Online
.Net Conf local event: .Net 5 Open API + Swagger - further information
10th March 2020, Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: An Introduction to Uno Platform - further information
16th January 2020, ExCeL, London
Microsoft Ignite The Tour: .Net Community Park Bench Session - further information
22nd October 2019 - Auto Trader, Manchester
.Net Conf local event: C# 8: Nullable Reference Types - further information
3rd July 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Free SSL with Let's Encrypt - further information
20th October 2017 - UKFast Campus, Manchester
Xamarin Developer Day: Xamarin and Azure Mobile Apps - further information
22nd May 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Free SSL with Let's Encrypt - further information
6th February 2017 - MadLab, Manchester
NSManchester: The Windows Bridge for iOS - further information
24th January 2017 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: The Windows Bridge for iOS - further information
4th November 2016 - Rise, Manchester
Xamarin Developer Day: Xamarin and Azure Mobile Apps - further information
24th October 2016 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Mobile Apps - Strategy and Monetization - further information
25th November 2014 - Spaceport X, Manchester
WPUG NW: Future Decoded, VSConnect, Tech Rewards - further information
Events I am attending: (as organiser / attendee)
25th February 2025, Bonded Warehouse, Manchester
Dot Net North: Rust for .NET Developers - further information
18th March 2025, BrightHR, Manchester
Dot Net North: A Victorian take on Rich Domain Plumbing - further information
Past events I have been co-organiser / co-host of:
28th January 2025, Betfred, Manchester
Dot Net North: The force is strong in LLMs
14th January 2025, Manchester Technology Centre, Manchester
Dot Net North: .NET Conf Local
19th November 2024, BrightHR, Manchester
Dot Net North: Season of AI - Copilots
15th October 2024, Betfred, Manchester
Dot Net North: MongoDB using EF and .NET
2nd October 2024, Blue Beck, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: AI, Open Source and Excel
17th September 2024, Bonded Warehouse, Manchester
Dot Net North: Avalonia UI
20th August 2024, Northcoders, Manchester
Dot Net North: Lightning Talks
16th July 2024, BrightHR, Manchester
Microsoft Build After Party: Season of AI
3rd July 2024, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Pride, Inclusion and Tech
11th June 2024, DiSH, Manchester
Dot Net North: Hacking C#
21st May 2024, Manchester Technology Centre, Manchester
Dot Net North: REST, gRPC, GraphQL or Asynchronous Messaging
17th April 2024, Blue Beck, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Developers and Testers, and Games to Apps
9th April 2024, DiSH, Manchester
Dot Net North: Build Production Ready Serverless Systems with .NET
19th March 2024, BrightHR, Manchester
Dot Net North: Introduction to StereoKit + CodeQL Quick Tour
28th February 2024, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Horizon, Sustainability, and Bins!
20th February 2024, Bonded Warehouse, Manchester
Dot Net North: Azure App Insights
23rd January 2024, Auto Trader, Manchester
.NET Conf Local
21st November 2023, DiSH, Manchester
Dot Net North: Lightning Talks
10th October 2023, Bonded Warehouse, Manchester
Dot Net North: Getting started with C# and IoT on Raspberry Pi
4th October 2023, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Tree of Light + Fix The Six!
12th September 2023, Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Escaping the developer rut
22nd August 2023, Bonded Warehouse, Manchester
Dot Net North: Open Source + GitHub Actions
3rd August 2023, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Still Proud: A celebration of LGBTQ+ community & creativity in Macclesfield
(representing Macc Tech)
11th July 2023, Manchester Technology Centre, Manchester
Microsoft Build After Party
23rd May 2023, Bonded Warehouse, Manchester
Dot Net North: MongoDB and .NET
18th April 2023, Manchester Technology Centre, Manchester
Dot Net North: .NET Minimal APIs
13th April 2023, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Automation, Charts, Arts!
2nd February 2023, Nexer Digital, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: The Return of Macc Tech!
31st January 2023, Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: .NET, IoT and Hedgehogs! + Visual Studio Extensions
22nd November 2022, On The Beach, Manchester
Microsoft Ignite After Party / Dot Net Conf Recap
4th October 2022, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Deploying Cloud infrastructure
20th September 2022, Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Musical instruments with Python and Pure Data
7th June 2022, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Uno Platform 4.0
12th April 2022, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: AI in a 2D Self Learning / Driving Car Simulation
1st March 2022, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: .NET MAUI
7th December 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Null & Void - Everything about Nothing in .NET
21st September 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: A sneaky peek at C# 10
29th June 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Azure Service Bus
18th May 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Using Channels in C# to Enhance Concurrent Code
27th April 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: GraphQL in .NET Core
13th April 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: ASP.NET on Docker - An Introduction
30th March 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: .NET Porting Assistant and App2Container
16th February 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Introduction to Open Source Uno Platform
26th January 2021, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Get Git in One Hour
1st December 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: DotNetNorth does .Net Conf
24th November 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: A look at FAST - A new adaptive interface system
20th October 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: What’s new & next for Xamarin developers
22nd September 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Accessibility – A .NET developer's perspective
8th September 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: DevSecOps for .Net and Azure
11th August 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Come meet the new .NET Standard MVVM
4th August 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Future of Windows Desktop Dev with WinUI 3
21st July 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Exploring the Microsoft Graph Toolkit
14th July 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Building for Windows on Arm devices
16th June 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: .NET dev for Windows AND Linux using WSL2
2nd June 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: .NET Debug Solutions - Dev to Production - Ozcode
28th April 2020, Online, via Twitch
Dot Net North: Real-time serverless apps in Blazor using AWS
10th March 2020, Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Lightning Talks
18th February 2020, Code Nation, Manchester
Dot Net North: An introduction to App Center
16th January 2020, ExCeL, London
Microsoft Ignite The Tour: UK .Net Community Popup
14th January 2020, Eagle Labs, Manchester
Dot Net North: Docker in the Desert: A Testing Mirage
19th November 2019 - Code Nation, Manchester
Dot Net North: WPF and Windows Forms on .Net Core 3
22nd October 2019 - Auto Trader, Manchester
.Net Conf local event
24th September 2019 - On The Beach, Manchester
Dot Net North: 19 Things you might not know about Visual Studio 2019
27th August 2019 - Dept Agency, Manchester
Dot Net North: Air Quality, Azure Functions and Spider Eggs
23rd July 2019 - Barclays Eagle Labs, Manchester
Dot Net North: The beauty in building .NET libraries
20th June 2019 - King's House Conference Centre, Manchester
Microsoft Insider Dev Tour
18th June 2019 - On The Beach, Manchester
Dot Net North: Messaging - RabbitMQ, Azure (Service Bus), Docker and Azure Functions
21st May 2019 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Microsoft Build 2019 Recap
16th April 2019 - Barclays Eagle Labs, Manchester
Dot Net North: Visual Studio 2019 Launch Evening
5th March 2019 - Dept Agency, Manchester
Dot Net North: Lightning Talks
13th February 2019 - Sigma, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Inclusive design for accessible products and services
12th February 2019 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Serverless .Net Core Apps on AWS
15th January 2019 - Dept Agency, Manchester
Dot Net North: App Internationalisation, and PWA
13th November 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: PostSharp
16th October 2018 - Barclays Eagle Labs, Manchester
Dot Net North: .NET and Kubernetes
9th October 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
.Net Conference Local Event
11th September 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: DDD
14th August 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Intro to Xamarin, and Intro to Orleans
3rd July 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Free SSL, and Logging in .NET Core
20th June 2018 - etc.venues, Manchester
Microsoft Insider Dev Tour
12th June 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: First Look At Blazor
8th May 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: The Robots Are Coming
10th April 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Xamarin, IoT and Machine Learning
13th March 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Metaprogramming in C#
26th February 2018 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: The Value Of Side Projects
13th February 2018 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: App Methodologies
16th January 2018 - Microsoft, NEO, Manchester
Dot Net North: Windows Mixed Reality Platform
15th January 2018 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Introduction to eSports, SHIFT Programme
20th November 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: New Top Level Domains Revisited
14th November 2017 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: Entity Framework Core 2.0
20th October 2017 - UKFast Campus, Manchester
Xamarin Developer Day
10th October 2017 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: APIs and Happy Code
10th October 2017 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Windows Developer Day
18th September 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Blockchain, and Blocked
12th September 2017 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: ASP.Net Core 2
8th August 2017 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: Rider IDE
25th July 2017 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: Real World .NET Core
24th July 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: The Lean Startup Explained
19th June 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Our Future and Robotics, Macc Digital Scene
13th June 2017 - Auto Trader, Manchester
Dot Net North: UWP Apps for Xbox One
22nd May 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Tech Tendering, Free SSL with Let's Encrypt
11th May 2017 - MadLab, Manchester
Dot Net North: \\build\2017 Launch Event and Keynote Streaming
9th May 2017 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: Windows Desktop Bridge
24th April 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: What's Macc Missing, Hacking the IoT
11th April 2017 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: Thinking Functionally with .NET
27th March 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Yammer, Do Testers Think Differently?
7th March 2017 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: Azure Functions and DocumentDB
7th March 2017 - Rise, Manchester
Visual Studio 2017 Launch Event and Keynote Streaming
27th February 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Stress Awareness, ZFS
30th January 2017 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Dream Jobs, All About Hackathons
24th January 2017 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: Windows Bridge for iOS
13th December 2016 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: HoloLens and Mixed Reality
21st November 2016 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: Tech Sales, Learning with Raspberry Pi
8th November 2016 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: Microsoft Bot Framework
4th November 2016 - Rise, Manchester
Xamarin Developer Day
11th October 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: Apps in Docker on Windows Server
27th September 2016 - Rise, Manchester
Dot Net North: Domain Driven Design
23rd August 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: Cognitive Services
26th July 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North:
21st June 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: ASP.Net MVC Security
31st May 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: What's New in Xamarin
19th April 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: Secure Development
22nd March 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: .Net Core
23rd February 2016 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: Service Fabric
24th October 2016 - The Park Tavern, Macclesfield
Macc Tech: New Top Level Domains, Mobile App Strategy
8th December 2015 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: NServiceBus
November 17th 2015 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: The New Open-Source Microsoft
October 20th 2015 - Spaceport X, Manchester
Dot Net North: Windows 10 and UWP Apps