Welcome to my Web and Mobile Developer Blog. Here you will find the latest News and Rants about mobile apps, websites and the internet.

I also, occasionally, write blog posts on non-techie stuff too!

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Rebranded your podcast, but can't get the icon to update on iTunes? Discover how I recently discovered the correct way to fix the problem.
Should you wish to opt your apps out of Dark Mode on iOS 13, discover how to do this app wide, or via code, with Swift, Obj-C and Xamarin / C# examples.
In early March we hosted our last in-person 'Dot Net North' event, an evening of Lightning Talks. Whilst we could see what was coming with Coronavirus, the scale of change was not apparent until a few...
As an app developer it is easy to get disgruntled by bad store reviews, and to feel insignificant against a rival app with hundreds or thousands of reviews / ratings. However, your application can ...
If you had an email recently, titled 'Update your client software to continue using Let's Encrypt', there is no need to panic.. but you must plan an upgrade in. The email states the scenario simply...
Last week was a really busy one. Not only did we host our first Dot Net North meetup of 2020, on the Tuesday, but we'd been invited down to London to represent the group at Microsoft Ignite - The Tour...
After nearly two decades as a professional software developer, I have had the opportunity to code in a variety of languages. Constants throughout most of this time, have been both C# and JavaScript...
Over the past year, I have been lucky enough to be on the organising teams of two local user groups. We have organised some very successful, well attended, events, at a variety of venues. Early ...
Earlier this month I did a presentation on Free SSL / TLS with Let's Encrypt, from a Windows Server / IIS viewpoint, at the Dot Net North developer meetup in Manchester, which I happen to co-organise....
3/10/2017 -
In recent years, there has been an increased drive towards securing the web and internet communications. Google Search is now using HTTPS as a ranking factor, Apple now require App communication over ...

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