Up To 11 - iOS App
Up To 11 - App for the iPhone and iPad

This app was inspired by the "these go to 11" scene in the iconic "Rockumentary" film This Is Spinal Tap.
Show off your iOS Device to your friends and see they marvel as you live to the extreme and go "up to eleven".
You can control both the Brightness and the Volume of your device, going from 1-11*.
* 11 = 100%. Volume Control refers to your iPod / Music App Volume.
Compatible with iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad.
Retina Display visuals, displaying full-size on iPhone 5.
Data Connection not required.
From a technical / code perspective,
Up To 11 represents my first App built in Xamarin / C#.
Original Volume Knob Image by Ben Requena
- used with permission.
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