German Grid Ref Compass mobile app
GPS / Map Reading App for Android and iPhone Smartphones

German Grid Ref Compass (Deutsche Grid Ref Kompass) specifies the user's current location on the Gauß-Krüger-Koordinatensystem (Gauss Krüger Coordinate System).
Whilst the app will give readings across the world, the intention is for the software to be used in Germany and surrounding European countries, with German Maps.
WGS84 Latitude and Longitude are also shown, in addition to the Gauß-Krüger map references and an on-screen compass.
This data can be shared using Twitter (iPhone Only), Email or Text Messaging (SMS or Apple iMessage).
For extended map reading, the Device LCD can be set to stay on, from the Settings screen of the app.
An internet connection is not required to use this software.
The app is only compatible with iPhone and Android Smartphone models that have GPS capabilities. Additionally, the Compass will only function if the Device has a Hardware Magnetometer (Compass).
This app is no longer available to download.
Still Available - Grid Ref GK - for general use.